For the passed few nights I've been spending my time in my living room watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. It's actually a really interesting show... which I never thought I'd like. I guess you have to give things a try before judging, eh?
Today was one of my Nieces birthday parties, so me and my family went to visit (family being Mom, Dad and little brother). Spent time with everyone, gave my Niece her gift and then ate a shit ton of sweets and pizza. My stomach never felt so dead in my entire life.
I always love being around family, it always brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh. But sometimes I can't stand it... good thing tonight wasn't one of those times!
Today was one of my Nieces birthday parties, so me and my family went to visit (family being Mom, Dad and little brother). Spent time with everyone, gave my Niece her gift and then ate a shit ton of sweets and pizza. My stomach never felt so dead in my entire life.
I always love being around family, it always brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh. But sometimes I can't stand it... good thing tonight wasn't one of those times!
This beautiful photo is me and my younger brother. We're kind of awesome and never take photos together, but my sister in law insisted since she didn't have any photos of him and I.
So after the family thing I came home, where I sat around doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. Had two baths, watched Christmas movies with my Mother, ate cheesies and that's pretty much about it. Oh and fought with the ex... but that's totally a different story.
It's now 12:20 am, and i'm sitting in my bedroom writing this. There's a freezing cold bottle of water touching my leg which is making me want to wrap myself in my blankets and hopefully pass out.
Too bad insomnia has a hold of me, eh?
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