
1. Why are people giving into the thought that the world's going to end tomorrow? If you look at the 'facts', you'll realize it's all a total bunch of shit. There's no way they could have made a specific time on when things are going to just blow up because it's different times in so many places on the planet. The Mayan's didn't even count in leap years, and I'm pretty darn sure the world has sped up, or possibly even slowed down in it's rotation since that calendar was made. I cannot believe people are believing this crap. 

2. Went Christmas shopping today for myself. Went with my Mother and Father, just picked out a bunch of things that I liked and then came home and wrapped half of it. The other half I got to open (make-up stuff) because it was for my stocking, but we realized that we no longer have the stockings we used to, but don't want to buy new one's so we're opting against stocking stuffers this year...plus I'm 22 and my younger brother is 16, so stocking's just aren't... that great anymore.

3. I cannot stand when people are texting me and then out of the blue they pass out. Although they JUST text and I JUST text like 2 seconds later, they still pass out. Annoying! 

4. My eyes are currently killing like fuck! But I bought this awesome eye mask thing. You put it in hot water to heat it up, or cold water to keep it cold... think I may try it tonight before bed. Just sucks because if I'm watching a movie I would have to pause it or something in order to wear it.. and if I pass out with it on... I don't see it being very comfortable if I roll over and it moves. 

5. I also got to sleep at a regular time last night, for once. Haven't done that in about a month, so it was nice. Woke up early too! A little too early though, I feel exhausted so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be another early night. 


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