
I cannot believe the amount of shit I've dealt with today. It's boggles my fucking entire mind at how pathetic some people can honestly become. 

I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I believed that you were different, that you changed from the person you were before but I was awfully wrong. I guess I look like a damn fool now!! 

Usually I don't give people second chances, in my mind if you fuck up the first then you don't deserve a second. I gave these people chance after chance because they were friends and that's just the person I've become as of lately... I give out chances because when someone claims they've changed and are a better person/will treat you better as a friend, I will give them respect for at least trying to make mends and apologizing for how stupid they once were. 

Not every girl in the world wants your dick, especially when they make it clear as fucking daylight that they don't!! So why do you insist that I do? You flirt constantly and when I reject you, you get upset. What the fuck is your deal? I'm pretty damn sure I made it clear ages ago that this was nothing more than just friends. Then you have the guts to take little jabs at me? Make me feel horrible because we wont be together, and you were just trying to give me a better life, or make me happy. That isn't what I want. I don't want a relationship, I don't want you. I wanted a FRIENDSHIP but that's so much to ask from someone who's clearly fucking stupid!!! 

Just pisses me off really that I disowned two guy friends for pretty much the same reason although I gave them second chances to prove they weren't dick heads anymore. I can't believe they'd think me being a nice person is actually meaning for me wanting their dicks all up in my shit. Can't begin to understand. Especially when after everything, I'm called "unattractive" because of the way I'm acting. How am I acting? Standing up for myself because you're twisted little head can't grasp the concept that we're only friends? 

I could really go on forever about this topic. There's so much to say and you're both lucky you don't live in my area anymore, or else you'd get an ear full. Stay the fuck out of my life from now on, don't try gaining entry again because it wont happen. You've fucked up any chance you ever had of being friends again. Your loss, not mine.


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