VOXBOX \\ second round \\ L'Oreal

Okay so here's the deal... I got an email from Influenster the other day. They explained to me that I could receive another voxbox if I matched their criteria. I filled out a survey, which in the end basically said I did not meet their criteria. So, I just shrugged it off and went on my way.
Then about two days later I get another email from them saying that I was chosen to get this "mystery brand box" by L'Oreal. It continued to explain what the box and the whole thing was about. Said that they would be sending me three sample's of a product (one shampoo, one conditioner, one split end serum) to try out for one week. Only catch? I don't have a clue what brand they are from! I have been trying to guess, just tossing out names here and there.
Tried all three products out today and have to say, they have a very refreshing smell to them! I loved the split end serum. It made my hair feel really soft and absolutely smooth. I usually end up with little fly-aways after my shower, but after applying the serum they were no longer there.
Although there are unfortunately no photos represented in this blog, I will most definitely link you to my instagram where I not only uploaded photos but also a video!!! so definitely check it out.


And if you've never heard of Influenster, let me break it down for you!
Influenster is a site that is free to sign up for. You answer questions, link your Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (if you have one), Instagram, etc. Any social media type site that you belong to that is supported through Influenster, you can link.
You then can review products that you've tried / tested out, write about how you liked them or didn't and give them a grad (A,B,C,D) to let other people know if the product they are looking up is good or not. Reviewing products will help you get closer to being approved for a VoxBox.
What's a VoxBox you ask? They are the boxes that Influenster sends you. They will be packed full of awesome goodies, which are based upon what type of box you're receiving.
For instance, my very first box through them was the first Canadian based box they were sending out. Prior to getting that box, Influenster was just based in America. Thank-Goodness they extended their amazing-ness to Canada! I am absolutely in love with them and the great opportunities I am blessed with through them.
Anyway, straying away from the whole point to this....
The more you interact with the site, write reviews, answer questions, etc. The more you become more eligible to receive great products. ALL OF WHICH ARE FREE! That's right! Influenster not only allows a free sign up, but they ship you the products to review for FREE!
The only thing is, you need to review the products. You can't just take them and be done with it or else you will not be able to receive other boxes. Like I stated above, you have to be interactive with the site and the products / companies that you get.
That being said, it's very easy to do and actually rather enoyable because you get to blog, post, make videos about / talk about the things you get and allow other people to share your experience !
It's really awesome. I don't want to explain into any more detail about the site and the company based around it. I want to allow you to go research for yourself and test the waters!

If this blog has peaked your interest in the least, please feel free to click on this beautiful link below to join! It's free, so why not join and begin to receive amazing products?!

Enjoy yourself, and have beautiful day!


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