Just him
You know those nights when you can't sleep due to having one person on your mind? That's tonight for me.
Seems to be a trend though. I'm always thinking about him when I'm curled up in my blankets all cozy, absolutely exhausted & ready for a good nights sleep. It's like my brain automatically goes into crush mode when it's supposed to calm down & not think about anything.
Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against thinking about him considering he's my boyfriend & my best friend BUT it just sucks when it's all you think about during the day & night.
I suppose it doesn't help that I have an overly active imagination / brain, so regardless of when it should be settling into a nice slumber of zzzzz's, it never really does. Always seems like those are the moments it's the most active. Even thoughts about random things such as why the sky is blue get into my head & then I find myself googling for answers.
Back to my boy issues though - he's so amazing.
He knows when to say the right things, he knows when I'm sad or mad or just simply in a crappy mood. He calls me beautiful even when I don't feel it & he always no matter what has my back in everything I do. I adore the crap out of him & if it wasn't for the extreme amount of love I have in my heart, I would probably be getting better sleeps.
Anyway, he's just perfect in my eyes.
I hope someone shares this kind of love & dedication with someone special, or has it shared with them. It's the greatest most appreciative feeling you will ever experience. Yay for love!
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