Vacationing but not so much
Good morning all you blog readers!
At the moment I am visiting family for a week in a lovely small town where I basically grew up - well not so much here where I am right at this moment, but like... 30 minutes down the road - and it's really nice. I don't mind the hussle and bustle of the city life, but coming back to a place where I know there aren't a thousand cars on the road, or a million people taking public transit makes it relaxing in a sense.
Unfortunately being here is under some unfortunate circumstances which I wont really get into because quite frankly it isn't anyones business. I will tell you though that my heart is rather sad, all the time lately.
I will be posting with some photos that I will be taking documenting my trip here... mostly will be landscape photos since I don't like getting into the whole model release form bullshit that comes with taking photos of actual people.... so stay turned!
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