Summer? What summer?

It's crazy how quickly summer has disappeared. Doesn't even feel like there was much of one here where I live, it's rather upsetting.
 I didn't really even do much, maybe that's why it doesn't feel as amazing as other summers have? No wonderland this year, no zoo, no reptilia. Nothing but a lot of working and hanging out with the family.
 The weather wasn't that great either - not many super warm days - and when there were, they were too hot so all we did was complain. 

Now the weather has turned to the cold side and we are starting to complain about that!
 I'm not looking forward to the winter for one reason - I live in a small town in the North of Ontario. We get mountains of snow that pile higher than my legs could ever take me. 

 The winter should be one that I'm going to hate. No doubt about it. 

My birthday this summer wasn't that brilliant either. All my friends ditched me, so needless to say I no longer have "friends". I've deciphered between who's real and fake. 
 Some friends moved this summer, to better places, better areas, to start better lives. I'm a little jealous of them to be honest. 
 Being stuck in a small town with what seems like no way out is absolutely terrifying. I don't want to be a lifer here. Don't want to spend my adult years in this town and then spend the last retirement days here as well. 

Maybe the winter wont be as dreadful as the summer has been.
 Who am I kidding? It's going to be awful. least we have Christmas to look forward to! 


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