Holy winter
It's stupid crazy how much snow there is here... I just can't believe it. I'm not used to the fact that this is a small town, where lots of snow apparently likes to fall.
Living in a city for so long has perks. One of which is that although winter sucks and it's very cold so you have to bundle up in basically everything you own... there's not much snow on the grounds. Even when there is, it seems to disappear within a few days because of the smog that seems to surround just about everything around you.
I've also had quite a bit of time to just sit and think about things while being away from everything life tosses at you. It's a nice feeling.
Like, where am I going to be in 20 years? Well, there's a lot that I hope will happen and I've actually started looking into things - like buying a house. Or, thinking about the man I am currently with (who I have been with for the past 6 years) he's most certainly the man I want to buy that house with.
Not sure if anyone else lets their minds race like I do, but sometimes it's a great feeling and a wonderful stress relief when you're thinking about the positives rather than the negatives.
Anyway, I suppose this is where I'll end this pointless blog post... if you have any comments, please feel free to share.
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