It's been a while
I don't even know if anyone reads my blogs anymore, but for those of you who do, hello!
I haven't posted on here in a while because I've been so busy with life and the things that tag along with it - work, friends, family, bills.
I guess I will touch on each of those a little without boring you all to bits and pieces.
Work is the epitomy of life-ruining. Seems to be all I ever do lately. I work, come home, eat dinner and then sit around until bed time. There isn't much else I'm really able to do...especially when I work until 9pm.
In addition to it being all that I ever do, there are difficulties that arise at work with a coworker that no one seems to be getting along with. Obviously I can't say what their names are...but let's just say that NO ONE likes this one person.
Then there' my social life, or in my case, the no-so-social life I have. I never hang out with anyone outside of work unless it's Geoff and his friends. I just can't ever find anyone that I click with well enough to go chill with somewhere. Although, I do see myself hanging out with Lise and MAYBE Anise (two girls I work with). They seem like my kind of people (lol)
I never have time to do anything creative anymore either. I haven't drawn or painted anything in what seems like ages. The most creative thing I think I have done lately is play the sims... how sad.
I however have started a photography course. Took one years ago but that was for film and film only. This one covers film and digital, which is very nice. Can't wait until I am completed it and can start my career. I think half way through it I am going to start a portfolio by doing photo shoots for people for free ( since I can't charge them any money for my time when I won't yet be credited for the course )
Other than that, there hasn't been much happening in my life. It's winter here in Canada now... today has been the first time I have watched the snow fall since last year, so that is kind of nice but also kind of sucks at the same time. Have yet to buy winter boots...lovely.
Guess I will leave this by saying today is mightly boring and I want to go back to bed.
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