New drawing

I haven't done any drawings in a while so I thought I'd pick up that stylus & create!

Didn't really know what I was going to make, so I just did what I know I can do best - a rose. 

While creating my masterpiece I didn't have a clear vision of where I wanted to go with it, I just knew I wanted it to be colourful, bright and made in a way where when it's printed , it can be put into a long frame.

I started drawing with just a basica rose outline. I then chose my colours, making sure they would complete one another in some way. What I ended up with was amazing. There was just something missing -the length. 

When thinking & pondering about how to go abouts the layout, the first thing that came to mind was pop art. So! I duplicated my rose outline, rotated it & went back in with the same colours but a darker tone. I then put both roses beside each other, facing opposite sides. 
 It worked perfectly! I left enough space on each side & then signed it with "KatelynnRose" (my name for those of you wondering).

So voila! My masterpiece was complete! 

It took about three & a half hours in total, which isn't near as long as all the others I've done as of lately. Impressive I might add. 


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